Gamification is a methodology that can independently cover employees’ training needs in the fields of Sales, Decision Making, Negotiations, Coaching, Team Building, etc. or  empower other forms of training (e-learning, class learning).

Gamification is defined as taking the basic elements behind games—such as engagement, transparency, competition—and applying them to a range of real-world processes inside an organization.

However, the way gamification progresses can transform from a fun way to engage employees to a tool driving higher levels of performance and employee engagement, remains a key issue.

Experiential training programmes are used on team work, role allocation, effective communication, time and info management though numerous activities that demand action and thinking, individual contribution and team spirit, as well interdependence among teams with goals as below:

  • Better understanding and integration of educational messages
  • Improvement of team spirit
  • Development of trust, mutual support and assistance
  • Performance improvement through deep understanding of the necessary elements for efficient team work and communication

Gamming programmes can be especially designed for any market field, according to its priorities. They combine the subversive power of educational gaming with the systematic procedure of training for the empowerment of skills addressing a series of issues, by creating a knowledgeable, engaged workforce to improve business performance.
