Successful implementation of Office Safety Seminar to EYATH
PLAS successfully implemented a one day training seminar on office safety and working conditions to selected executives of the Thessaloniki Water Supply & Sewerage Co. The training, which was designed especially for the needs of EYATH covered issues of great importance to the corporation, focusing on what constitutes an occupational hazard and work accident and… Read more »
Αναλογιστικές Υπηρεσίες Plas ΔΛΠ 19
ΤΟ ΔΙΕΘΝΕΣ ΛΟΓΙΣΤΙΚΟ ΠΡΟΤΥΠΟ 19 «ΠΑΡΟΧΕΣ ΣΕ ΕΡΓΑΖΟΜΕΝΟΥΣ» ΚΑΙ Η ΑΝΑΓΚΑΙΟΤΗΤΑ ΕΚΠΟΝΗΣΗΣ ΑΝΑΛΟΓΙΣΤΙΚΩΝ ΜΕΛΕΤΩΝ Η αναλογιστική μελέτη με βάση τα Διεθνή Λογιστικά Πρότυπα (ΔΛΠ, αρ.19) είναι η πιο συχνή και συνήθης αναλογιστική μελέτη που απαιτείται για την ομαλή και τυπική λειτουργία της Εταιρείας σας με βάση την ισχύουσα ελληνική νομοθεσία αλλά και τις διεθνείς προδιαγραφές…. Read more »
Training Course: How to benefit from HORIZON 2020 funding
Do you wish to formulate successful proposals for the EU’s new Framework Programme for Research and Innovation HORIZON 2020? Organization of a 2-day Training Course: How to benefit from HORIZON 2020 funding PLAS S.A. organizes 2 training courses for the EU’s new Framework Programme for Research and Innovation HORIZON 2020, one in Athens and one… Read more »
Successful implementation of training programs for prospective entrepreneurs on behalf of the “Home of Greek Industry”
In November and December 2013, PLAS successfully implemented- separately in Athens and Volos – a 48-hour Training Program entitled “Development of Innovative Entrepreneurship Skills “. The educational material includes 20subject areas (courses) that cover the needs that arise in each one of 6 business stages.
The educational material included: input – presentations, case studies and exercises. Additionally, were developed 4 assignments and 14 multiple choice tests for the evaluation of the knowledge acquired during the program.
Successful implementation of Project Management seminar for leading company in insurance and risk management
In the end of 2013, PLAS implemented the Educational Program: ” Basic Principles of Project Management – The framework of PMI», organized in the context of corporate training in Greece for a world major insurance broker and risk management advisor.
Read more »LAEK 0, 45% (co-funded training programs through OAED) for the year 2014
The Circular for the Vocational Training Program of OAED (the Greek Manpower Employment Organization) – LAEK 0, 45%- has been announced for the year 2014.
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